Espresso Avocado Shake with Soya Milk
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Espresso Avocado Shake with Soya Milk

Even if you’re not a morning person, this delightful Espresso Avocado Shake with Soya Milk recipe will have you bouncing out of bed and ready to take on the world!
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30 mins

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Serves 2

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Made with:

NutriSoy Omega Reduced Sugar Fresh Soya Milk


  1. 1½ Avocado
  2. ½ cup of ice cubes
  3. 1 cup single shot espresso
  4. 1 cup Nutrisoy Omega Reduced Sugar Fresh Soya Milk


  1. Cut avocado into half, remove skin and seed
  2. Combine avocado, Nutrisoy Omega Reduced Sugar Fresh Soya Milk and ice cubes into the blender and blend till smooth.
  3. Pour the mixture into a serving glass and top it up with espresso.