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In ancient China, purple rice, also known as “forbidden rice”, was reserved only for the Emperor. It was believed that consuming the ingredient would ensure his good health and longevity.

With higher levels of protein, vitamins, and minerals than white rice, and about 6 times more antioxidants than brown rice, it’s no wonder why the ancient Chinese believed in the wonders purple rice could do for the body.

Fast forward a couple of centuries to today, there are over 50 varieties of purple rice and all kinds of products available to the masses all over the world and even in Singapore!

Black when raw, a beautiful hue of purple reveals itself when you cook purple rice. It boasts an aromatic, nutty flavour and has a chewy texture on the palate. Its delicious taste has allowed purple rice to become a staple in everyday meals in Korea, and even as the core ingredient in Pulut Hitam, a dessert served with coconut milk that Singaporeans would be familiar with. If you love the taste of purple rice, then you’re in for a treat!

Introducing the new Limited Edition NutriSoy Fresh Soya Milk with Purple Rice. Made with real purple rice that is rich in antioxidants and high in fibre, NutriSoy Fresh Soya Milk with Purple Rice combines the goodness of both soya and purple rice in a single tasty beverage.

Purple rice is also the perfect superfood for the fast-paced Singaporean life as it helps to prevent the development of heart disease by protecting the body from the effects of inflammation and stress. Together with soya, which is high in plant protein and isoflavones that lower total cholesterol and low density lipoproteins (bad cholesterol), NutriSoy Fresh Soya Milk with Purple Rice is the ultimate drink of choice for health-conscious Singaporeans.

When you drink NutriSoy Fresh Soya Milk with Purple Rice, you get to taste what purple rice really tastes like, as there are no added preservatives in the product. Certified as the healthier choice by the Health Promotion Board, it is not only vegan-friendly, but low in sugar and high in Vitamin D.

What’s not to love about NutriSoy Fresh Soya Milk with Purple Rice? Grab a carton of the limited edition drink while you still can, and start adopting a healthier, plant-based lifestyle.