4 untold facts about soya milk

4 untold facts about soya milk

Soya milk is widely known for its health benefits but did you know that it could play a part in making you look, your personal best too? In the name of beauty, here are 4 untold facts about soya milk!
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  1. Moisturises hair & repairs split ends

    Soya milk is rich of plant based protein which aids in repairing and maintaining cells tissue. Drinking soya milk can provide your hair with nutrients and the protection it needs for a stronger hair shaft. Rumour has it that some beauticians apply soya milk as a conditioning mask to their hair. Would you try it?

  2. Exfoliates dead skin and hydrates skin

    With soya milk, you can formulate a moisturising face mask that will keep your skin supple and soft. Simply add sugar, soya milk and olive oil together, exfoliate your skin with this mixture and rinse off.

  3. Prevents wrinkles and dark spots

    Along with keeping your face moisturised, soya milk may prove to be beneficial in wrinkle prevention. According to studies conducted, chemists have discovered that bio-lipids in soy contain anti-aging properties which have the ability to prevent wrinkles and repair skin cells.

  4. Stronger & shinier nails

    High calcium soya milk may help make your brittle nails stronger, making them less prone to breaking.